Ascent Interiors

Ascent Interiors
We believe in transparency with our employees and customers to facilitate strong bonding and superpower our vision.
Ascent Interiors
Our company is driven by the mantra “products should speak”. The products are sent to customers only after they pass through rigorous testing.
Ascent Interiors
Customer satisfaction
We treat customer satisfaction with utmost sensitivity and responsibility.
Ascent Interiors
We ensure maximum safety to all our employees by maintaining strict rules on using safe equipment and by performing a routine maintenance check. We ensure a stress-free environment for our employees.
Ascent Interiors
The manufacturing methodology and the machinery are modernized to enable efficient production.


Aimed at creating top-tier products, we strive to become one of the leading manufacturer and supplier of alloys, inoculants and steel ingots. Our Vision is to emerge as a major producer of several varieties of Ferro Alloys as well as Speciality Ferro Alloys Products in the next five or ten years to meet all the demands from within and from outside India.

Our primary vision is to emerge as an elite manufacturing group/company in producing several varieties of Ferro Alloys including Speciality/special Ferro Alloy Products. This ambition is planned, to be executed by furnishing substantial investment on R&D, employee training and modern technology. The rising demand for Ferro Alloys will be met by the implementation of advanced planning and scheduled system to efficiently use the workforce and resources. We have also laid out a detailed plan for expanding our manufacturing plants in many places in India and to produce many Noble Ferro Alloys and similar products in the near future.
Ascent Interiors
We believe in honesty and fairness and we uphold that by keeping ethical standards at the core of our company.
Ascent Interiors
Social Responsibility
We take it as an obligation to improve the society and to make it a better place to live in.
Ascent Interiors
We treat customers, employees and suppliers with dignity and fairness. We deeply understand that “employees are the internal customers”
Test Data
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Test Data